الرئيسية / RETTERDAM PERS (صفحه 179)


Algeria during World War II in a difficult stage of its history

Algeria during World War II in a difficult stage of its history L’Algérie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans une étape difficile de son histoire . Summary: The Algéria experiences military réarmament during second word war, when Paris fell, the free government ended, whicch stopped the Algérians, the fall of …

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Tunisia is a battlefield during World War II

Professor Mohamed Boukhris wrote: Tunisia turned into a battlefield between the Allied and Axis forces between November 1942 and May 1943 within the framework of what is known as the “Tunisia Campaign.” A new Tunisian and international situational situation emerged from the war that contributed to the revival of national …

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Kingdom of Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kingdom of Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs     تأسس برنامج جسور الذي تشرف على تنفيذه وزارة الخارجية بهدف معالجة القضايا الخاصة بالدبلوماسيات. ويجري تنفيذ البرنامج على مستويين : المستوى الأول ويتعلق بالدبلوماسيات الأجانب أو زوجات الدبلوماسيين المعينين لدى مملكة البحرين، من خلال تعريفهن بالمنجزات الثقافية والتراثية التي تمتلكها مملكة البحرين. …

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