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LAMPS (Moroccan Association of Polyarthritics & Psoriasis) Organizes

LAMPS (Moroccan Association of Polyarthritics & Psoriasis) Organizes:

The 2nd Edition of the LAMRS National Congress on psoriasis

Awareness raising, sensitization and screening to relieve the patient of Psoriasis


The Moroccan Society for Combating Rheumatism and Psoriasis organized its second national conference in Casablanca on the afternoon of Friday, October 20, 2023, at the Barceló Hotel in Casablanca, and the conference will continue on the morning of Saturday, October 21, 2023.

For reference, the conference includes a wide participation of a group of prominent professors, doctors and specialists in the treatment of inflammatory psoriasis and rheumatic psoriasis, methods of treatment and extremism of modern biological medicines in order to reach the correct treatment.


The Moroccan Society for Combating Rheumatism and Psoriasis organized its second national conference in Casablanca on the afternoon of Friday, October 20, 2023, at the Barceló Hotel in Casablanca, and the conference will continue on the morning of Saturday, October 21, 2023.

Psoriatic arthritis may affect one or many different joints, resulting in stiffness and swelling. Dactylitis or swelling of fingers and toes can be seen along with pitting of your nails. Other signs can include inflammation of the tendons called enthesitis, back pains, colitis, and uveitis (inflammation in your eyes). Diagnosing psoriatic arthritis starts with a physical exam to look for swollen or painful joints, and nail and skin changes. X-rays or scans like ultrasound, MRI or CT can show joint damage. Blood tests may help rule out other diseases, and a skin biopsy can confirm psoriasis.

For reference, the conference includes a wide participation of a group of prominent professors, doctors and specialists in the treatment of inflammatory psoriasis and rheumatic psoriasis, methods of treatment and extremism of modern biological medicines in order to reach the correct treatment.

Psoriatic arthritis was described as a distinct rheumatic disease in the 1960s, and subsequently grouped among the spondyloarthropathies. Recently, other rheumatic manifestations of psoriasis, such as enthesopathy and osteoperiostitis, were recognized. This study attempts to examine the rheumatological and radiological manifestations of Psoriasis and their association with skin and nail disease. Eighty-one psoriatic outpatients were interviewed consecutively during 6 months. Questionnaires and indices were carried out to assess the extent and severity of skin and nail involvement, as well as the activity and severity of peripheral and axial rheumatic manifestations.

In het programma vinden we

Een toespraak door professor Hajjaj Hassouni Najia, voorzitter van de Marokkaanse Vereniging voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Hulp aan Patiënten met Reuma.

Toespraak door professor Amal Said, afdelingshoofd van het Universitair Ziekenhuis in Marrakesh en voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Dermatologie.

Een toespraak door mevrouw Leila Najdi, voorzitter van de Marokkaanse Vereniging voor de Bestrijding van Reumatische Ziekten en Psoriasis

Interventie door professor Ishmalal, een specialist in reumatologie, die het onderwerp artritis psoriatica en het voordeel van vroege diagnose behandelt.

Interventie door professor Hanan Al-Rakain, specialist in reumatologie, op het gebied van herstel van reumatoïde artritis.Een primair doel is het beste patroon.

Interventie door mevrouw Fawzia Hali, specialist in dermatologie, over het belang van biologische medicijnen bij de optimale zorg voor psoriasis.

Interventie door professor Samir , decaan van het Oro Med College of Pharmacy in Fez, over het onderwerp sociale en economische impact op psoriasispatiënten.


Telegraaf-Mensheid Pers


Media Director – Abderrahim Fakir Idrissi

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Telegraaf-Mensheid Pers  …Abderrahim Fakir Idrissi …

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