الرئيسية / CINEMA TELEGRAAF PERS /      مجرم هولندي كان يبتزّ  اليهود

     مجرم هولندي كان يبتزّ  اليهود

فيلم السيرة الذاتية هذا قصة “أندريس ريفاغن”؛ مجرم هولندي كان يبتزّ اليهود خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية، والمسؤول عن مئات القتلى.

بطولة:ييغون فان كوننسغبرخ، آنا رادسفيلد، سيغريد تن نابل

     The story about Riphagen, a cunning Dutch traitor during WW2 who helped Nazi round up Jews, stealing their treasures for himself. He destroyed Resistance groups, making many who pursued justice after the war look like fools 

Director: Pieter Kuijpers

Writers: Thomas van der Ree, Paul Jan Nelissen

Bernardus Andries “Dries” Riphagen (7 September 1909 – 13 May 1973) was a Dutch gangster and Nazi collaborator who is best known in the Netherlands for collaborating with the Nazi Germany’s Sicherheitsdienst (SD) to locate as many Dutch Jews as possible and have them delivered to Nazi concentration camps during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands 

Riphagen would gain the trust of Jews who sought his help by promising to safeguard their belongings, primarily jewelry, until the conclusion of the Second World War, only to defraud them of their belongings and notify the SD of their location. After the the end of war in Europe, he faked his death and went into hiding. He deposited the Jewish belongings and money gained from them in an undetermined bank in neutral Switzerland and fled to Argentina, as have many Nazi officers. He returned to Europe secretly at some point between 1950 and 1970 to withdraw the ill-gotten jewlery. Dutch authorities issued an arrest warrant and bounty on Riphagen in 1988, but it was later discovered that he had already died at a Swiss private clinic in Montreux

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