


   In the framework of the privileged relations of fraternity and the solid ties binding the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Iraq, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, held talks on Friday, May 13, 2022, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq, Mr. Fuad Hussein, heading an Iraqi delegation that took part in the Ministerial Meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, held in Marrakech on Wednesday, May 11, 2022 

Mr. Bourita congratulated his Iraqi counterpart for the success of the legislative elections of October 12, 2021, the conduct and transparency of which were hailed at the international level. He also renewed his congratulations to Iraq for defeating terrorism and liberating its territory from the terrorist organization ISIS 

In this regard, Mr. Bourita expressed Morocco’s support for Iraq to meet security challenges and preserve its security, sovereignty, stability and territorial integrity 

The Foreign Ministers of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Iraq called to increase efforts to further develop cooperation between the two countries, in order to reflect the great potential they have and respond to the aspirations of the two brotherly peoples 

In this regard, the two officials urged the businessmen of the two countries to seize the important business opportunities and the potential offered with a view to developing economic and trade relations, based on the legal framework existing both at the bilateral level and within the framework of the Arab League conventions, calling for the modernization of this legal framework to match it with the new dynamics of bilateral relations.

The two Ministers, who highlighted the determination of the two countries to convene the joint commission and to develop this mechanism according to a common approach based on realism and solidarity, underlined the need to put in place a memorandum of understanding relating to political consultation, which will be signed during Mr. Bourita’s next visit to the Republic of Iraq, and activate political consultation between the two countries to coordinate positions in order to serve common interests 

During these talks, both Ministers discussed regional and international issues, stressing the commitment of the two countries to the security, stability and territorial integrity of the Arab region, national constants, respect for the sovereignty of its States, as well as the rejection of any foreign interference in their affairs 

On the Sahara issue, Iraq supports the territorial integrity of the Kingdom and the efforts of the United Nations and its central role to achieve a political solution 

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Lancement officielle de la 15ème édition de l’Université d’été au profit des jeunes Marocains Résidant à l’Etranger.

La 15ème édition de l’Université d’été au profit des jeunes Marocains résidant à l’étranger a …

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