الرئيسية / RETTERDAM PERS / The political system

The political system

Before its independence from Britain in 1971, Qatar enacted its provisional constitution. This constitution embodied Qatar’s first provisional basic law of governance. One year after Qatar’s national independence, the provisional constitution was amended to be

compatible with both the requirements and responsibilities of this new era 

This constitutional amendment carved three aspects of Qatar. It determined Qatar’s image. In addition, it specified objectives of Qatar’s policies. Furthermore, it underscored Qatar’s Gulf Arab and Islamic affinity. Together with this constitutional development, Qatari the expertise of Qatari authorities and organs grew further. As those governmental entities developed their practices constructively at home and abroad 

Some provisions of Qatar’s provisional constitutions were amended legislatively. The provision tackling the executive authority, heredity rule system, and the constitutional status embodied an example of those amended provisions. The enactment of fundamental laws organizing the civil and commercial activities carved the path towards the creation of the Rechtsstaat (Legal State). The enactment of the law regarding the judiciary authority law represented an example of such process. For the first time in Qatar, free elections took place to form the Central Municipal Council (CMC). This momentous experience marked Qatar’s first step towards civic democracy. For the first time, Qatari women were allowed to both vote and run as candidates in this fundamental step towards people’s participatory democracy in the process of decision making in Qatar

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