


 The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Mr. Nasser Bourita, stressed the need to build a new dynamic for peace and to take concrete measures opening up promising prospects for the peoples of the whole region of the Middle East 

“We must build a dynamic according to concrete steps that the people feel and which contributes to improving the life of the world and to opening up promising prospects for the youth and the peoples of our region”, said MFA Bourita during a joint press conference following the Negev Summit, held on March 27-28, 2022, in Sde Boker.

The Foreign Ministers of the United States, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates also took part in this summit 

“We are here in the Negev to be a force working for peace and to say that a solution to the Palestinian issue and the Arab-Israeli conflict is possible”, he pointed out, recalling that HM King Mohammed VI has always supported the two-State solution living side by side and the establishment of a Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders with Al-Quds East as its capital. In this regard, the Minister underlined the need to preserve Israel’s security and interests 

He also expressed his consideration and gratitude for the role played by Washington in supporting the Middle East peace process, stressing that the United States has always been a reliable partner on which we can count in building peace 

MFA Bourita noted that the Negev summit brought many positive messages to the inhabitants of the region, but also clear and firm messages for those who work directly or through auxiliaries that we are here to defend our values and our interests and protect this dynamic 

On the other hand, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad condemned the attack which targeted, on Sunday, the city of Hadera, south of Haifa 

“Our presence here today is the best response to these attacks,” the Minister said 

He also noted that the resumption of relations between Morocco and Israel was not an opportunistic decision, but it was taken with conviction, recalling in this regard the strong ties that bind the Kingdom and the Jewish community, as well as the historical involvement of the Kingdom in the peace process 

“Regional dynamism is very important, as is regional stability in order to strengthen peace between Israel and Palestine, and Morocco has played a pioneering role in the Middle East peace process, and today it is also ready to help give new impetus to this dynamic”, he pointed out 

Regarding the prospects for Moroccan-Israeli relations, Mr. Bourita said that much progress had been made since the signing of the tripartite declaration in Rabat, recalling the numerous visits made by both sides, the launch of air routes as well as the organization of meetings 

In this regard, he said that these relations will soon experience an important dynamic which will further contribute to strengthening these relations in various fields, particularly in the diplomatic aspect 

“We are here today because we truly believe in peace, not the peace in which we ignore each other, but the peace based on the construction of common values and interests and peace that keeps us away from war», MFA Bourita pointed out 

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