
first contemporary art

Saudi Arabia’s

first contemporary art

The Ad-Diriyah Biennale Foundation has  announced the theme for Saudi Arabia’s first contemporary art Biennale titled “Feeling the Stones”. It is inspired by the idea of “Crossing the river by feeling the stones,” a slogan that emerged during the 1980s as a metaphor for action at a time of social and economic transformation. Set to open from the 7th of December 2021 to the 7th of March 2022, the Biennale will take place at JAX district in Diriyah 9

Philip Tinari, Director and Chief Executive of UCCA Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing and curator of the Biennale said: “We hope that this exhibition will expose new generations of viewers to global contemporary art, not just as a mode of visual expression but as a space for critical thinking. The art scene in Saudi Arabia finds itself at a crucial juncture, and art has an important role to play in reflecting on key issues of the moment

The Biennale will take place in a 27,000 square meters area, located in the recently developed creative district of JAX in Diriyah. Initiated by the Ministry of Culture as part of its efforts to support the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 strategic framework and Quality of Life Program, and overseen by the Ad-Diriyah Biennale Foundation, it will present two Biennales alternating each year: contemporary art (2021) and Islamic arts (2022

The exhibition will unfold in six sections examining themes that include memory and preservation; cultural transmission; social engagement; the Anthropocene and the spiritual. It aims to create new connections between the Saudi and international art worlds, bringing new trends in global contemporary art to Saudi Arabia’s burgeoning cultural scene with nearly 70 artists exhibiting 

Ministry of Cuture

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منازل الفنانين الكبار تتحول في العالم إلى مواقع سياحية تجلب السياح

عبد الرحيم الفقير الادريسي *السياحة الامستردامية ما بين متحف فان جوخ  ومتحف ريجكس الشامل رامبرانت …

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