الرئيسية / RETTERDAM PERS / OHCHR and the right to adequate housing

OHCHR and the right to adequate housing

The right to adequate housing is a human right recognized in international human rights law as part of the right to an adequate standard of living. The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has underlined that the right to adequate housing should be seen as the right to live somewhere in security, peace and dignity

Despite the central place of this right within the global legal system, well over a billion people are not adequately housed. Millions around the world live in life- or health- threatening conditions, in overcrowded slums and informal settlements, or in other conditions which do not uphold their human rights and their dignity

OHCHR and the right to adequate housing


Everyone has the right to housing. Adequate housing, as a component of an adequate standard of living, is fundamental to the enjoyment of all economic, social and cultural rights. It should not be understood as being limited only to basic shelter. Instead, States should advance appropriate national frameworks to realise this right, including addressing immediate threats to housing, developing policies and practices to respond to the long-term housing needs of changing populations, and regulating housing provision by the private sector.


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